Research by Michael O’Boyle has shown that gifted individuals process mathematical problems differently than their non-gifted peers, with enhanced bilateral brain activity that boosts memory, learning capacity, and the ability to generate unique outcomes. Art therapy could further enhance these neurocognitive advantages in gifted individuals by fostering creative expression and emotional engagement.
Gifted brains
The study of Albert Einstein’s brain has provided interesting neurological insights into his exceptional cognitive abilities, particularly in visuospatial cognition, mathematical thought, and the imagery of movement. In the article, The Exceptional Brain of Albert Einstein, the study’s results showed that Einstein’s brain exhibited an atypical anatomy in the area of the inferior parietal lobule, which might have contributed to his unique intellectual capacities.
Einstein described his scientific thinking as relying heavily on spatial and visual imagery rather than verbal or logical elaboration. This preference and capability may be linked to the expanded development of his inferior parietal region, a trait that has also been observed in other #physicists and mathematicians. This suggests that such anatomical features may be associated with high-level mathematical and spatial reasoning capacities.
Christy A. George wrote that gifted individuals exhibit distinct neurocognitive profiles that include:
heightened bilateral brain activation during problem-solving tasks,
increased volume and connectivity in the prefrontal cortex (attention, planning, decision-making, working memory, faster processing of information, connections, and solving complex problems,
stronger connectivity within the default mode network (self-reflection, introspection, creativity) may contribute to their ability to generate novel ideas and solutions.
Gifted children’s brains often display unique neural patterns that enhance creativity and imaginative thinking. Neuroscientific studies indicate elevated activity in areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is linked to advanced cognitive functions such as planning and decision-making. Additionally, the default mode network—involved in daydreaming, introspection, and the integration of ideas—shows increased activation. This intensified functioning of the default mode network may enable gifted children to generate innovative ideas and solve problems in novel ways.
Integration of both hemispheres
Michael O’Boyle‘s studies reveal that when engaging in mathematical tasks, gifted individuals’ brains activate more extensively than their non-gifted peers. This includes heightened activity in the parietal lobe, responsible for processing mathematical information, the prefrontal cortex, which oversees planning and complex cognitive behaviors, and the anterior cingulate cortex, which manages the emotional aspects of task performance.
What distinguishes gifted individuals further is the simultaneous activation of these regions in both hemispheres of the brain, a phenomenon not typically observed in non-gifted students. This bilateral neural engagement enhances their cognitive flexibility, allowing for superior organizational skills and an increased capacity for memory and learning. Additionally, this enhanced brain activity contributes to their ability to generate innovative solutions and ideas, fueled by a more profound emotional engagement and integration of experiential knowledge.
Significantly, the corpus callosum, the major neural pathway facilitating interhemispheric communication, is thicker in gifted individuals. This anatomical feature supports more effective collaboration between brain hemispheres, bolstering their cognitive processing abilities.
This neuroscientific perspective underscores the potential benefits of art therapy for gifted individuals, suggesting that such holistic therapeutic approaches can leverage the unique brain dynamics of the gifted to foster their cognitive and emotional development.
By engaging in art therapy, gifted individuals might better explore and harness their enhanced neural capabilities, promoting both personal well-being and creative expression.
Michael O’Boyle‘s research superior interhemispheric communication in the gifted brain. This enhanced connectivity is hypothesized to contribute to their advanced cognitive abilities and emotional depth.
In an interview with Scott Barry Kaufman , Robert Steinberg discussed the importance of integrity in both intelligence and creativity.
Integrity means that one’s thinking is internally consistent—it makes sense—and is consistent with the way the world actually is, rather than the way we imagine it should be. Robert J. Steinberg
Art therapy offers a unique avenue for gifted individuals to explore and express their complex inner experiences. The simultaneous activation of both brain hemispheres in gifted individuals during cognitive tasks suggests that engaging in creative activities like art could similarly stimulate these brain areas, promoting integration of cognitive and emotional experiences.
I support and guide many gifted individuals through various modes of art therapy. This gentle approach yields deep and lasting impacts. In these sessions, gifted experience increased maturity, enhanced focus, greater courage, and a clearer sense of purpose.
Special glasses made from light sensitive, gifted individual
As expressive art therapist Shaun McNiff explained, there is a momentum of profound contribution to unlocking the gifted parts while making art.
When we think that the depths are buried somewhere and hidden, using analytic thinking like an excavator digging away, we avoid the depth of immediate things, the present moment inviting us to respond with more awareness, spontaneity, and imagination. Shaun McNiff
Benefits of Art Therapy
1. Enhanced emotional expression: exploring and expressing complex emotions through creative endeavors, potentially leading to greater emotional regulation and resilience.
2. Cognitive integration: art therapy enhances the cognitive integration that gifted individuals naturally exhibit by engaging both hemispheres through creative tasks.
3. Creative problem solving: creating art mimics the problem-solving processes, providing another layer of stimulation and opportunity for cognitive growth.
4. Boosted creativity: thinking outside the box and exploring new mediums and forms of expression that stimulate the brain, promoting an innovative mindset that can translate into other areas of their lives, including academic and personal problem-solving scenarios.
Michael O’Boyle’s neuroscientific research provides insight into integrating art therapy into support strategies for gifted individuals. By leveraging the gifted’s natural neurocognitive tendencies, art therapy can provide a therapeutic and developmental benefit, enhancing their unique capacities for creating, innovating, and connecting. Furthermore, art therapy doesn’t just support emotional and cognitive development; it fosters a nurturing environment for creativity and guides gifted individuals to realize their full potential.
Včasih ljudje pravijo, da nadarjeni otroci in mladostniki le “želijo biti posebni.” A to ni res! To je poenostavljena in nepravična trditev, ki ne odraža
Research by Michael O’Boyle has shown that gifted individuals process mathematical problems differently than their non-gifted peers, with enhanced bilateral brain activity that boosts memory,
In my journey alongside remarkably talented individuals, I’ve consistently observed the hurdles they face in securing roles that fully harness their potential, a challenge especially
Izkušnje izjemno nadarjenih odraslih, ki se soočajo z globokimi čustvenimi preboji in preobčutljivostjo, se lahko manifestirajo na več področjih – intelektualnem, čustvenem, domišljijskem, čutnem in
V disfunkcionalnih družinah se nadarjene deklice pogosto znajdejo v vlogi staršev svojim staršem in postanejo matere svojim lastnim materam (ne glede na njihova leta). Nadarjene
Včasih ljudje pravijo, da nadarjeni otroci in mladostniki le “želijo biti posebni.” A to ni res! To je poenostavljena in nepravična trditev, ki ne odraža
Research by Michael O’Boyle has shown that gifted individuals process mathematical problems differently than their non-gifted peers, with enhanced bilateral brain activity that boosts memory,
In my journey alongside remarkably talented individuals, I’ve consistently observed the hurdles they face in securing roles that fully harness their potential, a challenge especially
Izkušnje izjemno nadarjenih odraslih, ki se soočajo z globokimi čustvenimi preboji in preobčutljivostjo, se lahko manifestirajo na več področjih – intelektualnem, čustvenem, domišljijskem, čutnem in